Saturday 3 October 2015

PRG 421 WEEK 1 to 5 Entire Course Version 10

PRG 421 WEEK 1 to 5 Entire Course Version 10  

PRG 421  (Java Programming II)Version 10 WEEK 1 to 5 Complete Course



   Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response for the following:What is an event? How are events and graphical user interfaces (GUIs) related? Provide an example of an event and relate it to a GUI.
Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response for the following:How are containers used in the Java® language? Write a small program in which you add components to a container. Then post the code for your program.
Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response for the following:What do you feel are the advantages and disadvantages to using Swing versus AWT?
A city is sponsoring a run to support local charities and would like an application to track the pledges. The result will be a database that holds data on individuals, total pledges obtained, and the charity for which the donation is designated.Design and implement a GUI-based program to accept a participant’s name, the amount pledged, and the designated charity’s name. The program will store these data for later retrieval. The project will be completed in several stages, with the first deliverable due in Week Two.
Design, implement, test, and debug a GUI-based version of a “Hello, World!” program.Create a JFrame that includes a JLabel that reads “Hello, World!” Use a layout manager of yourchoice.

Include an Exit button to close the program.

Submit assignment per the APA template that will be provided, to include cover page, description of code, flowchart or pseudocode, code with header data, and finally a screen shot of your code executing on your computer.  Please submit your assignment as YourLastNameWk1.doc and  Ensure that your code executes prior to submittal.


 PRG-421 Java Programming IIWEEK 2
Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response for the following:How do arrays and combo boxes work together? Write a small program in which you add the elements of an array to a combo box and post the code for your program.
Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response for the following:What are advantages of using menus in a GUI application? Design a menu structure for a program you would find useful in your work or hobbies. Write and post the code for the menu creation.
Develop a project plan for the fundraiser program due in Week Five.The project plan should describe the design of the program and how it is to be modularized. The design should include the layout of the GUI.

Note. The program should be designed in a modular way so that individual team members can write the code for specific methods.

The project plan should also include individual task assignments.


Submit the project plan to your facilitator.

For this assignment, you will choose from the following options:Option 1: Retail Calculator

Option 2: Payroll Application


Read the instructions in the University of Phoenix Material: GUI Components Program located on the student website and select one option to complete the assignment.


Submit assignment per the APA template that will be provided, to include cover page, description of code, flowchart or pseudocode, code with header data, and finally a screen shot of your code executing on your computer.  Please submit your assignment as YourLastNameWk2.doc and  Ensure that your code executes prior to submittal.

PRG-421 Java Programming II


Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response for the following:Think of a programming task—other than the individual or team assignments in this course—in which you would choose to use an exception handler. Write the code for the try-catch block. Explain the activity and your code.
Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response for the following:Think of a programming task—other than the individual or team assignments in this course—in which you would choose to use a data file. Write the code to read or write the file. Explain the activity and your code.
Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response for the following:What are the advantages and disadvantages of sequential and random access files?

Provide an example in which a sequential file is a better choice than a random access file. Explain why.

Provide an example in which a random access file is better than a sequential file. Explain why.

Create a GUI-based program to accept name of donor, name of charity, and amount of pledge from the user.Display a list of entries in a JTextArea or JTable.Submit the .java source file for this program.
This is a two-part assignment.Part 1


Design, implement, test, and debug a program with a JFrame that allows the user to enter a series of contacts’ names, ages, e-mail addresses, and cell phone numbers, and creates a file from the entered data. Validate the age entry to ensure that it is numeric and between 0 and 120. Include information for three to five contacts.


Part 2


Design, implement, test, and debug a program that reads the file you created by the list in Part 1 and displays the records in a JFrame. You may either display all entries in the list at once or display them one at a time; the user interface is up to you. Protect against not being able to open the file.


Submit assignment per the APA template that will be provided, to include cover page, description of code, flowchart or pseudocode, code with header data, and finally a screen shot of your code executing on your computer.  Please submit your assignment as YourLastNameWk3.doc and  Ensure that your code executes prior to submittal.


PRG-421 Java Programming II


Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response for the following:What are three ways Java® applets enhance network security? Describe how each is used and how it affects security.
Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response for the following:How would you differentiate a website that uses a Java® applet from one that uses JavaScript® code? Locate a website that includes a Java® applet and provide its URL.

Describe each user interface component used and how the applet uses each of them.

Do you think the applet uses interface components effectively? Why or why not?.

Write an applet that includes a pie chart.Use a news article with statistics that are good candidates for a pie chart: for example, political candidate preferences; percentages of those for, against, or undecided about a ballot measure; and so forth.


Cite the source for your input statistics.


Submit the applet along with an HTML file to launch it. Submit assignment per the APA template that will be provided, to include cover page, description of code, flowchart or pseudocode, code with header data, and finally a screen shot of your code executing on your computer.  Please submit your assignment as YourLastNameWk4.doc, YourLastNameWk4.html  Ensure that your code executes prior to submittal.

PRG-421 Java Programming II


Conduct an Internet search for JavaDB tutorial. You may choose to use either a text-based or a video tutorial. Follow the steps in the tutorial to learn how to use JavaDB.Modify one of the demo programs with the JavaDB download to create and manipulate your own database.


Write a 200- to 300-word description of the challenges you encountered.


Post the source code of your program.

Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response for the following:What type of mobile app would you find useful? What steps would you take to create and deploy this app?
Write a program to create a database from the data in the sequential file you created in Week Four.Modify the GUI to connect to this database and add entries to it and read entries from it. Entries read from the database should be displayed in the JTextArea or JTable. 

Test and debug this final program.

Submit the .java source file or files.


Course Home Work aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of  PRG 421 WEEK 1 to 5 Entire Course Version 10  in order to ace their studies.

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Home Work PRG 421 WEEK 1 to 5 Entire Course Version 10

PRG 421 WEEK 1 to 5 Entire Course Version 10

Course Home Work,   PRG 421 WEEK 1 to 5 Entire Course Version 10 , Home Work Tutorials, Home Work Solutions, Home Work Essay, Home Work Questions.ACC 565 Wk 7 Assignment 3, ACC403 week 2 assignment, ACC565 Week 10, ACCT 212 (Financial Accounting),  ACCT 344 (Entire Course) – Devry, ACCT 344 Final Exam Latest 2014 – Devry,  ACCT 346 (Managerial Accounting), ACCT 346 Midterm Exam Updated DeVry, ACCT 504, ACCT 504 Week 8, ACCT 553, ART 101 Week 8, Ashford BUS 401, ASHFORD BUS 640, Ashford HIS 204, ASHFORD MAT 222 Week 3, BA 215 (Business Statistics), BA 215 All Assignments Week 1 -8 – Grantham, BA 225, BA 260, BA 265 (Business Law II), BA 265 (Business Law II) FINAL EXAM, BA 340 All Course Assignments, BA 340 Human Resource, BA 370 (Employment Law), BA 405 Multinational Management, BA 470 Week 3 – 5 – 6 – 7, BA 470 Entrepreneurship, BA350 Principles Of Finance, BIS 155 Final Exam – DeVry, BIS 220 Final Exam, BSOP 429, BSOP 434 Entire Course – Devry, BUS 303 Week 2, BUS 303 Week 3, BUS 303 Week 5, BUS 311 Business Law, BUS 330 Week 1, BUS 330 Week 3, BUS 330 Week 5, BUS 401 Week 4 DQ 1, BUS 401 Week 4 DQ 2, BUS 402 WEEK 4, BUS 405 (Principles of Investment), BUS 475, BUS 475 Final Exam 100 MCQS, BUS 475 Final Exam 600 MCQS, BUS 599 (STRAYER), BUS 599 Assignment, BUS 620 Week 4, BUS 640 Week 1, BUS499 Asignment 4, BUS508 Asignment 1, BUS499 Assignment 3.

PRG 421 WEEK 1 to 5 Entire Course Version 10

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