Saturday 3 October 2015

PSY 301 Full Class All DQs and Assignments

PSY 301 Full Class All DQs and Assignments  

PSY 301 Week 1 DQ 1 Social Psychology (New)


Discuss the history of social psychology and describe the critical role this field of study has played in helping us to understand the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals throughout its evolution. Which key research developments have helped to define social psychology and differentiate it from other fields of study? What theoretical constructs are inherent in social psychology principles?

PSY 301 Week 1 DQ 2 The Acting Self (New)



As Feenstra (2011) states in your textbook:

“Social psychologists are interested in who we are. Our sense of self is affected by what we know about the self and by the people around us. The self is a powerful force. The self affects how we feel, what we think we can do, and what we in fact do.” (pg. 32).

Expanding on the quotation above, describe how individuals develop a self-concept and self-schema.  Discuss the cultural, social, and environmental influences on that development. In what ways does our sense of self determine how we think about others and how we interact with individuals and groups of people? What is the significance of the acting self? In your response, be sure to address at least three of the key concepts presented in Table 2.2 of the reading.

Respond substantively to at least two of your classmates’ posts.


PSY 301 Week 2 Assignment Prejudice, Stereotypes, and Discrimination (New)



PSY 301 Week 2 Assignment Prejudice, Stereotypes, and Discrimination (New)


PSY 301 Week 2 DQ 1 Attitude and Behavior (New)


Reflect on the relationship between personal attitudes and resulting behaviors, using the Theory of Planned Behavior, Cognitive Dissonance Theory, and Self-Perception Theory as your references.  If someone has a negative attitude toward a particular individual or group, for example, what are the potential implications of their behavior toward that individual or group? How do implicit and explicit attitudes differ?

Go to the Project Implicit website and take theImplicit Association Test (  Choose any test within the demonstration category.  After retrieving the results of your test, share them with your classmates and consider their accuracy. Were you surprised by your results? Do they accurately portray your attitude toward the group? Do you think these types of tests are reliable in measuring prejudice? Please explain your answer.


PSY 301 Week 2 DQ 2 Attributions (New)



Examine the role of attributions in our social world. What are attributions, and how do we use them in our daily lives? Discuss the differences between internal and external attributions and describe the fundamental attribution error.  For example, what would be the explanatory style of a person who makes internal, stable, and global attributions for positive things and external, unstable, and specific attributions for negative things? Also consider the individual who does the opposite; what does this behavior tell us about the person?


PSY 301 Week 3 Assignment Persuasion Who, What, To Whom (New)



To complete the following assignment, go to this week’s Assignment link in the left navigation.

Persuasion: Who, What, To Whom

“As we explore persuasion, we can divide the persuasive communication into three parts: the communicator, the message, and the audience. First, we will deal with what characteristics of persuaders make people more likely to be persuaded. Next, we will think about characteristics of the message that lead people to change. Finally, we will explore what characteristics of the audience can lead them to be persuaded.” (Feenstra, 2011, p. 88).

For your assignment this week, provide an in-depth analysis of the three parts of persuasion. Please reference the bullet points below to complete your assignment.

  • Who – Describe the Characteristics of the Persuader. What influences our ability to become persuaded by someone? What specific characteristics must this person possess? Be sure to address the impact of credibility, physical attractiveness and likeability in your response. Why do we respond well to those possessing such characteristics? Would we respond the same to an unattractive, angry, non-credible person? Why not?

  • What – Discuss the Characteristics of the Message: What types of attributes are inherent in persuasive messages? How are we influenced by the emotion, framing, messages, narratives and rational appeals in the messaging we receive? What is the significance of the sleeper effect?

  • To Whom – Examine the Characteristics of the Audience. Why do different audiences perceive messages in different ways? What is the role of culture, gender, and self-esteem in this process? How does the elaboration likelihood model help to explain the relationship between the persuader, the message, and the audience?

  • Review the excerpt from p. 97 of your textbook: Social Psychology in Depth: Word of Mouth and Persuasion. How does the e-word of mouth phenomena illustrate the concepts above? Please be specific in your response.

    Include an introduction, thesis statement, and conclusion. Your completed assignment must be 3-4 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), and must follow APA guidelines. Include a minimum of 3 APA references.


PSY 301 Week 3 DQ 1 Persuasion Techniques (New)



Table 8.1 in your textbook highlights various techniques used in persuasive messaging, including foot-in-the door, low-ball, door-in-the face, reciprocity, etc.  After examining all the techniques, choose three to address in your discussion. For each of the three, describe the processes involved, and explain why such techniques are successful in persuading certain audiences, but are likely to fail with others. In addition, examine the overall resistance to persuasion. Although they may be undesirable, are we more vulnerable to these messages than we think?


PSY 301 Week 3 DQ 2 Obedience and Conformity (New)



By most definitions, if we are persuaded by an individual, we are said to be obedient to that individual. If we are persuaded by a group, we are said to have conformed to that group’s objectives. Compare and contrast the core differences between these two concepts. In what ways do group and individual persuasion techniques differ? As social beings, why are we naturally prone to conformity and obedience?

For this discussion, please review Solomon Asch’s (1958) study of conformity. The results of this study, demonstrate how many of the individual participants conformed to the group despite the fact that the group was clearly wrong, and the individuals were clearly right. In addition, watch the video on theABC New Primetime: Milgram Experiment Update video.  Through this experiment we observe how perceptions of authority directly influence obedience. For example, even when the action ordered by the authority figure caused physical harm, the participants were still obedient. What are some explanations for this type of behavior? Can you think of an example of when you disregarded your own desires or values for the sake of obedience or conformity?


PSY 301 Week 4 Asssignment Power of Love and Relationships (New)



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To complete the following assignment, go to this week’s Assignment link in the left navigation.
Power of Love and Relationship

For this assignment, please address each of the items below:

  • Describe the factors of attraction. What attracts us to one another? Why are we less likely to befriend someone from another culture than someone from a similar background with a similar physical aesthetic? Be sure to identify and describe all (6) factors in attraction.

  • Discuss the human need to build bonds and relationships. Do we have an innate need to belong? If so, why? How is this need attached to our emotions, our social bonds, and our fear of deprivation?

  • Explain the three types of love: companionate, passionate, and compassionate.  What are the differences and similarities between the three? What is an example of each type? How does Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love distinguish romantic love, for example, from empty love or infatuation? Please thoroughly address each of the components in figure 14.1.

Include an introduction, thesis statement, and conclusion. Your completed assignment must be 3-4 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), and must follow APA guidelines. Include a minimum of 2-3 APA references.


PSY 301 Week 4 DQ 1 Altruism and ProsocialBehavior (New)



Examine the concept of altruism and altruistic behavior. What does it mean for someone to behave altruistically? What is gained from this action, and how does it differ from egoistic behavior? What are some reasons why people would want to help one another, without regard for personal gain or benefit?  In addition, explain the bystander effect.  If we all have a genuine desire to help one another, why is the effect so common?  How can we prevent it from occurring?


PSY 301 Week 4 DQ 2 Aggression (New)



Although we label some behaviors as aggressive, we also neglect a multitude of other actions that qualify as aggressive behaviors. As mentioned in your textbook, what matters is the intent of the action, not necessarily the action itself.

Describe the various origins of aggressive behavior, and discuss the gender differences in how aggression is developed and presented. Additionally, describe the aggression cues that we encounter in our social world through the media, the presence of weapons, alcohol and drug consumption, the environment, etc. How do these cues influence our capacity to behave in an aggressive manner?


PSY 301 Week 5 DQ 1 Groupthink (New)


Watch the Groupthink video, and explain why the concept of “groupthink” doesn’t necessarily have a positive connotation. Describe what groupthink refers to, and discuss the conditions that must be present in order for this process to occur. What are the characteristics of groupthink, and what are the potential consequences of the group’s decision making process? Your textbook provides a few historical examples of when groupthink led our country in the wrong direction. Can you offer a current example of this – perhaps from the perspective of pop culture?

Include 1 APA reference in your post.


PSY 301 Week 5 DQ 2 Social Dilemmas (New)



There are three social dilemmas presented in Chapter 15 of your textbook: tragedy of the commons or the commons dilemma, resource dilemma, and prisoner’s dilemma. Choose two of these concepts to discuss, and explain how each is related to social problems in society. How did these problems originate, and what can we do to improve or eliminate them? What recommendations do you have? Please provide a minimum of two recommendations.


PSY 301 Week 5 Final Paper Social Psychology Bringing It All Together (New)



To complete the following assignment, go to this week’s Final Paper link in the left navigation.

Social Psychology: Bringing It All Together

“Social psychologists investigate how we view ourselves and others, how we interact with others, how we influence others, and how we act when we are part of a group. Given the amount of time each of us spend thinking about and interacting with the people we encounter every day, much of our lives are spent with the subject matter of social psychology.” (Feenstra, 2011, p.22).

This is a formal research paper 8-10 pages in length.  Imagine that this will be used as a reference for someone who is completely unfamiliar with social psychology principles.  This paper will provide them with an overview of the field, and explain the key principles associated with its practice.

Include the following components in your research paper:

  • Discovering the Self – How do we perceive ourselves and our interactions with others?

–  Self-concept, awareness, and self-schemas

–  The acting self

–  Self-esteem and self-efficacy

  • Thinking About Others – What judgments do we make about other people?

–  Attributions: internal, external, explanatory style

–  Attitudes and behavior

–  Prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination

  • Influencing Others: Persuasion – How do we use the power of persuasion?

–  Persuasion techniques

–  Characteristics of the persuader, message, audience

  • Influencing Others: Obedience and Conformity – What factors lead us to conform and become obedient?

–  Aggressive behavior and aggression cues

–  Prosocialbehavior

–  Relationship building, love, and attraction

  • Group Dynamics – What are elements of a group?

–  Types of groups

–  consequences of Groupthink

–  Social dilemmas

After addressing the components above, reflect on the future of social psychology. Given the immense changes that our society is experiencing (both nationally and internationally), what do you foresee in the future of social psychology? What ground breaking new research do you anticipate?

This is a formal research paper in APA format, 8-10 pages in length (excluding the title page, reference page, or any provided appendices). The intent is to show students’ accomplishment of course learning outcomes through critical analysis of theory and research.

Writing the Research Paper

The Research Paper:

  • Must be 8 -10 double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title page, reference page, and any appendices), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved style guide.

  • Must include a cover page with the following:

–  Title of paper

–  Student’s name

–  Course name and number

–  Instructor’s name

–  Date submitted

  • Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.

  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

  • Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a concluding paragraph.

  • Must use APA style as outlined in the approved style guide to document sources for all facts that are not common knowledge.

  • Must include at least 5 references listed in APA format.

  • Must include, on the final page(s), a reference list that is completed according to APA style as outlined in the approved style guide.

Course Home Work aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of  PSY 301 Full Class All DQs and Assignments  in order to ace their studies.

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Home Work PSY 301 Full Class All DQs and Assignments

PSY 301 Full Class All DQs and Assignments

Course Home Work, PSY 301 Full Class All DQs and Assignments , Home Work Tutorials, Home Work Solutions, Home Work Essay, Home Work Questions.ACC 565 Wk 7 Assignment 3, ACC403 week 2 assignment, ACC565 Week 10, ACCT 212 (Financial Accounting),  ACCT 344 (Entire Course) – Devry, ACCT 344 Final Exam Latest 2014 – Devry,  ACCT 346 (Managerial Accounting), ACCT 346 Midterm Exam Updated DeVry, ACCT 504, ACCT 504 Week 8, ACCT 553, ART 101 Week 8, Ashford BUS 401, ASHFORD BUS 640, Ashford HIS 204, ASHFORD MAT 222 Week 3, BA 215 (Business Statistics), BA 215 All Assignments Week 1 -8 – Grantham, BA 225, BA 260, BA 265 (Business Law II), BA 265 (Business Law II) FINAL EXAM, BA 340 All Course Assignments, BA 340 Human Resource, BA 370 (Employment Law), BA 405 Multinational Management, BA 470 Week 3 – 5 – 6 – 7, BA 470 Entrepreneurship, BA350 Principles Of Finance, BIS 155 Final Exam – DeVry, BIS 220 Final Exam, BSOP 429, BSOP 434 Entire Course – Devry, BUS 303 Week 2, BUS 303 Week 3, BUS 303 Week 5, BUS 311 Business Law, BUS 330 Week 1, BUS 330 Week 3, BUS 330 Week 5, BUS 401 Week 4 DQ 1, BUS 401 Week 4 DQ 2, BUS 402 WEEK 4, BUS 405 (Principles of Investment), BUS 475, BUS 475 Final Exam 100 MCQS, BUS 475 Final Exam 600 MCQS, BUS 599 (STRAYER), BUS 599 Assignment, BUS 620 Week 4, BUS 640 Week 1, BUS499 Asignment 4, BUS508 Asignment 1, BUS499 Assignment 3.

PSY 301 Full Class All DQs and Assignments

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